Week 12 - Post Lemtrada
January 12, 2020
I've officially hit the 3-month mark. I am not sure if that really means anything except I took my last antibiotic today which made me wonder "how much did that protect me and should I be more careful?". 😷😳 I spent my fun day watching my husband watching football😏, taking deep breathes while my son drove 😱, and spitting into a test tube 🤓 (more on that in a bit). I didn't hear anything more from the infusion center. I am hoping that I can do the Rituxan the week of the 20th. We have some visitors coming into town, we are planning to go out of town for a long weekend and I am registered for a yoga teacher training session at the end of March. We have a busy stretch coming up. I haven't been doing anything the last three months; very little anyway. I thought for sure by the end of January, I would be good to go. With the Rituxan, I feel like things are a little up in the air now but we will get through it.
I got out and about a little more this week for several appointments. I even got a massage! 😍 The massage therapist knew about my Lemtrada therapy so she recommend just a light massage so I didn't overwhelm my system. I felt fine that evening but I was really light headed and spacey on Wednesday. I am not really sure if it's related because I had been a little spacey feeling the previous week but I felt better on Thursday and the rest of the week so it's possible. Other then the light headed-ness I haven't had any other new symptoms this week. My legs and fingertips are the same.
My husband and I met with the new functional medicine doctor this week. The appointment went really well, I think. We spoke with her for a little over two hours and I had follow-up emails with her on Friday. She asked about my whole health timeline beginning when I was born/where I grew up to determine any pollutants I may have been exposed to. I left with a beginning plan; a couple supplements; a progesterone prescription which I hope helps smooth out my cycle; and a few labs. We did talk about how the steroids affected me and that's why I am spitting into test tubes today. The test measures your cortisol levels throughout the day. I am doing some blood work on Monday for hormones and the week after to look at vitamin levels. Then we will go from there. I liked the doctor; I felt like she was really listening and asked good follow-up questions. She also asked to get the reports from my brain MRIs so she could see where my lesions were located to try and determine if they are related to mood/tiredness, etc. I knew about that cause and effect but no one ever looked and said 'these symptoms are likely tied to this lesions'. I am still cautiously optimistic.
Another busy week this week. The hormone blood draw tomorrow and my 3-month Lemtrada labs on Thursday. I should have some results by Friday.
Have a good week!
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