Friday, January 31, 2020

Weeks 14 & 15 - Supplement overload

Weeks 14 & 15 - Post Lemtrada

January 31, 2020

Crazy that we are already a month into 2020.  We had friends visiting the last half of last week and into this week so I missed a post...sorry. 🤷 I hope they weren't too bored.  I tried hard to keep up; we climbed a granite outcrop on Sunday and walked around town on Monday.  Both days I was heading to bed around 10.  Two days of being really active, kind of wiped me out for the next several days.  My daily "bucket" of energy is definitely smaller than before and when it's used up; I am done.  Luckily, my husband is a pretty good tour guide.

Still no Rituxan 🙄 I logged into my insurance company's website last Friday and saw that they denied it and I got a letter from them this week saying it was denied because it was considered "experimental".  I have not heard from my Doctor on what they plan to do but I do have an appointment with them on Monday.  To say I was irritated would be an understatement; insurance companies are a necessary evil in this Country and I hate them.  The health system in the US sucks and that's all I will say about that here.

My energy level in week 14 was still pretty up and down.  I had mornings where I woke up feeling exhausted and it didn't make sense because I had slept well the night before and days when my energy level was fine.  Even on the "fine" energy days, I still have a limited supply.  If I spend the day running errands, I spend the evening/night on the couch.  I also spent more time then I should in my head about how I've been feeling.  Except for numbness in my legs *knocks on wood*, I have all of my typical MS symptoms hitting me all at once; light headedness (I haven't had since mid-month), spasticity/ bouncing in my legs, numbness in my fingertips, forgetfulness/trouble concentrating, fatigue/lack of energy and just being in a blah mood.  I took a risk by taking this medication, I never felt better (except when I was on steroids) and now I feel worse.  😞 This week all my symptoms are the same but I haven't had as much time to be in my head.  Yay for distractions! 👍

I've grocery shopped for myself three weeks in a row and I've actually eaten in restaurants! 😉 I am coming out of my shell slowly and nervously.  I will definitely admit that it makes me nervous but I do tend to be a worrier.  Oh, one of the doctors in my neurology clinic told me that after the Rituxan I won't have to take any new precautions because the Rituxan only goes after my B-cells and my T-cells are coming back at a good rate.  That's definitely good news and one less thing to worry about. If and when I actually do the Rituxan.

I had my follow-up with the Functional Medicine Doctor today.  I got results from the spit/cortisol test; the hormone blood test and the NutrEval test.  Actually, for the most part things looked good.  I have a few things that are a little off and maybe fixing that will make the difference.  The most glaring thing was that I have very little probiotics which makes sense because I was taking antibiotics for the last 3 months.  The second most would be my Omega-6/Omega-3 ratio because I don't eat much fish; that's an inflammation issue.  The good news is I didn't have any toxic levels of contaminants, my thyroid levels look good and things that I am semi-low on can be fixed with a SUPPLEMENT.  You should see my daily pill box! Hope it helps. 🤞

That's all I've got for now.  I'll do a quick update on Monday after my Neurology appointment if there's enough to update you about. Take care

Monday, January 20, 2020

Week 13 - Rituxan waiting game

Week 13 - Post Lemtrada

January 19, 2020

Super busy and very up and down (energy-wise) week.  I had days when I barely did the minimum and days that I was ok.  No news on the Rituxan but I did get my new lab results.  I posted them on my pages.  All the results are within expected range.  My B-cells went up more than my T-cells again.  My TSH (thyroid) number dropped but is still within the normal range.  I think my hair is falling out a little more than normal and it maybe due to the lower thyroid number but I'll wait to see what the functional medicine doctor says.  I have a follow-up with her on the 31st.

I did a couple things this week that I had been avoiding.  I actually did my own grocery shopping this week.  I have a 3M mask/respirator for air particulates that I've worn when I had to go into my PCPs office, when I took my husband to the surgical hospital for shoulder surgery and when I had to go into the pharmacy.  I debated wearing it into the grocery store.  It looks silly and people look at you but I decided it was more important to protect myself.  I am not totally defenseless now but I am still below the "normal" low end and the grocery store is filled with old people and young kids during the day. 😳😷 I went to a coffee house to see my daughter's band play.  I hadn't seen them play yet and it was going to be my last chance for the foreseeable future.  I showed up right before they started, stood way in the back and left as soon as they were done but it made me soooo nervous.  They played with two other high school bands so there were ALOT of high school kids there. I brought my mask but didn't put it on because I had enough distance around me.

My symptoms are the same; some numbness in my finger tips, some morning leg stiffness/tremors/bouncing, energy levels are up and down.  I started the progesterone on Monday night, and the brain supplement. I haven't noticed a difference yet except I am breaking out a little bit on my forehead.  I made a face wash switch a couple weeks ago so it could be that too.  That's about it; nothing too exciting.  Another week of moving forward.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Week 12 - Sunday fun day

Week 12 - Post Lemtrada

January 12, 2020

I've officially hit the 3-month mark.  I am not sure if that really means anything except I took my last antibiotic today which made me wonder "how much did that protect me and should I be more careful?". 😷😳 I spent my fun day watching my husband watching football😏, taking deep breathes while my son drove 😱, and spitting into a test tube 🤓 (more on that in a bit).  I didn't hear anything more from the infusion center.  I am hoping that I can do the Rituxan the week of the 20th.  We have some visitors coming into town, we are planning to go out of town for a long weekend and I am registered for a yoga teacher training session at the end of March.  We have a busy stretch coming up.  I haven't been doing anything the last three months; very little anyway.  I thought for sure by the end of January, I would be good to go.  With the Rituxan,  I feel like things are a little up in the air now but we will get through it.

I got out and about a little more this week for several appointments.  I even got a massage! 😍 The massage therapist knew about my Lemtrada therapy so she recommend just a light massage so I didn't overwhelm my system.  I felt fine that evening but I was really light headed and spacey on Wednesday.  I am not really sure if it's related because I had been a little spacey feeling the previous week but I felt better on Thursday and the rest of the week so it's possible.  Other then the light headed-ness I haven't had any other new symptoms this week.  My legs and fingertips are the same.

My husband and I met with the new functional medicine doctor this week.  The appointment went really well, I think.  We spoke with her for a little over two hours and I had follow-up emails with her on Friday.  She asked about my whole health timeline beginning when I was born/where I grew up to determine any pollutants I may have been exposed to.  I left with a beginning plan; a couple supplements; a progesterone prescription which I hope helps smooth out my cycle; and a few labs.  We did talk about how the steroids affected me and that's why I am spitting into test tubes today.  The test measures your cortisol levels throughout the day.  I am doing some blood work on Monday for hormones and the week after to look at vitamin levels.  Then we will go from there.  I liked the doctor; I felt like she was really listening and asked good follow-up questions.  She also asked to get the reports from my brain MRIs so she could see where my lesions were located to try and determine if they are related to mood/tiredness, etc.  I knew about that cause and effect but no one ever looked and said 'these symptoms are likely tied to this lesions'.  I am still cautiously optimistic.  

Another busy week this week.  The hormone blood draw tomorrow and my 3-month Lemtrada labs on Thursday.  I should have some results by Friday.
Have a good week!

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Week 11 - New Year Reflections

Week 11 - Post Lemtrada

January 7, 2020

First blog post of 2020 - Happy New Year!
First things, first...I received my missing lab work today and updated those results in the "Page" section.  My B-cells are coming back with a vengeance and are in the normal range already for the Absolute number but they are way ahead of my T-cells and that may cause problems.  My Neurologist prescribed a 1-day infusion of 100mg of Rituxan.  The infusion center is going through the process of getting pre-approval from the insurance company so it'll probably be a few weeks.  And on the plus side (not really), insurance deductibles have started over!  I've been doing some reading on Rituxan.  It's generally used for Lymphoma and certain Leukemia patients in combination with Chemo and in doses of up to 500 mg over several days.  So the dose I am getting is very low in comparison.  The drug attacks your CD20 Lymphocyte cells which is a type of B-cell.  The idea is that it will knock my B-cells down a bit so my T-cells can catch up.

I was letting myself spiral a bit over the holidays obsessing over my Lymphocyte number going down so I started looking at some Lemtrada patient blogs to see what type of numbers they got.  One women "Emma" (not her real name) is a US citizen who went to Germany to have the infusion in 2014.  It hadn't been approved by the FDA yet.  I found it interesting that her "protocol" was very similar to mine.  A few exceptions: their standard protocol was to only do 3 days of the IV Solu-Medrol steroid at 1gram and they had options to either continue at the same dose for days 4 & 5 or to do a step down of IV or oral steroids on days 4 & 5. The other differences were they didn't do an antacid medication which I did orally and through IV and it seemed she only had to do one 5-day treatment instead of doing a second 3-day treatment a year later.  One pretty major similarity is they tracked the Lymphocyte Subset of T&B-cells (that is not standard protocol) and used Rituxan.  Between her 3rd and 4th month Post-Lemtrada, her B-cells jumped from >20 or 1% to 241 or 45% and her T-cells were going up and down.  She also had a reoccurrence of some of her MS symptoms.  The Rituxan knocked her B-cells back down to 0 and also knocked her T-cells down a bit but they continued to grow while her B-cells stayed at 0 at least until the end of 2014.  Unfortunately, she didn't continue the blog past a few posts in January and February 2015.  In a post where she talked about taking Rituxan, she mentioned that she may have to repeat it in 4-6 months so I am not sure if she ever did.  I tried to contact her through the comments section but they appear to be turned off or need to be approved as my comment didn't post.  Before she stopped posting, she was seeing a lot of good results in her cognitive symptoms, stamina and balance.  I needed to read some positive outcomes and I hope she is still doing well.

Another blog I read was Tracy's. She is a UK resident who did her first round of Lemtrada in the UK in 2015.  She is still posting which is nice to see how someone is doing almost 5 years on.  So far she has had no disease progression in all of her follow-up MRIs.  She did do a second 3-day round in 2016.  Her protocol was different.  She had an IV of steroid, then one of anti-histamine before the Lemtrada which it sounds like was just straight and not diluted then her line was flushed with saline but she didn't get an extra whole bag.  She got pretty bad headaches during the Lemtrada which makes me wonder if it was too concentrated?  She had all the same standard blood and urine tests done monthly but they did not check her B&T-cells separately and she is now on Thyroid medication. Emma noted that there wasn't any research to show that the B-cells coming back too fast caused additional autoimmune complications but since then there has been some evidence.  I found this article where researchers looked at previously unreleased data from the Lemtrada trials that suggest there is a correlation.  Tracy also posted her lab data.  Her absolute Lymphocytes came back pretty steady.  Over the first year, she had one month where it dropped and another where it stayed the same but overall they gained each month.  I also noted that she didn't recover them to fully normal levels during that year before she did her second treatment.  It helped again to look at other experiences.  I didn't think anyone would want to see my numbers but it helped me to look at what went on with other people so maybe it will help someone else.

So that's what I've been doing this past week.  Reading and reflecting on the new year and the positive things that can be ahead.  I've really been stuck in my own head lately and I haven't been sleeping well most nights again so that has not been helping my mood.  I am trying hard to break out of that funk.  My life has changed like night and day in the last 10 years.  Ten years ago, my kids were young and I was still unemployed and collecting unemployment (laid off 10 months earlier - I remember the Great Recession).  Now, my kids are in high school and we have a family business.  Ten years goes by in a blink and you just need to move forward and try to be confident that things will keep getting better.

Symptoms: over the past week they've been a little up and down but mild.  Overall, I've mostly just been really tired.  I think I slept in an odd position one night and for two days my neck was sore.  I was also cleaning out old paperwork and spent a day sitting and leaning over.  My lower back didn't like that plus it's cedar season and even though I am technically not allergic to it, clearly it irritates my system because I've had a runny nose.  Those three combined made me feel like I might be coming down with something but that night I got a good amount of sleep and the next day my neck felt better; all was fine. My hormones have been really off since the Lemtrada.  Well, they were off already because of my age but it seems a bit worse since the Lemtrada.  My monthly friend has been showing up 4-5 days early each month for the last three; meaning I've been getting a visit every 23-24 days and it really sucks.  I've been crying over silly things the past few days. 🙈 So sleepiness, hormones, post nasal drip and a creaky body this week. Oh and my legs have been a little shaky in the mornings again and the numbness in my fingertips never fully went away. 🙄

What else... My finger prints started working again; that's a plus for the new year. My hands have been so dry they weren't registering on my phone or laptop.  😬 Even though I was putting lotion on them like crazy.  I have my appointment with the functional medicine doctor this week.  My 🤞 that something comes out of that.  I spent time last week going through all my medical records and getting some old blood work together.  All the allergy tests aka darts I've thrown in the past.  I am hoping she can help with mood, my hormones and my tiredness.  Maybe my extra tiredness has something to do with the B-cells; I am not sure.  I guess we will see when I get the Rituxan.  It seems a bit odd that I have to do this only after 2 months but maybe it's not.  The lab wasn't able to get my T&B-cell count in November so I really don't have anything to compare it to.  Because there was such a big delay in getting those last December results; I am actually due to get my 3-month blood work done in a week and a half.  I guess that's all I can think of for now.

Wishing you peace and joy in the New Year, sending 💗 to Australia and a BIG 'thank you' to Emma and Tracy for taking the time to blog their experience.  It helped put my mind at ease and I hope this will do the same for someone else someday.