One year and one month - Post Lemtrada
November 30, 2020
I am really not sure how the weeks keep escaping me. I was planning to do a quick update right after my last post when I got my latest blood work results but here I am a month later again. The blood work was all within the normal range except my TSH which hasn't budged even though I've lowered my thyroid medication. My Lymphocytes made a pretty decent jump though. I've noticed I have a slight pattern. Except for March/April when I did the steroids to slow down my Bcells; my Absolute Lymphocyte number stays about the same for two months then takes a good jump up then stays about the same for two months then takes another jump up. The pattern even stayed the same when I had my last UTI and was on antibiotics. It's just something I noticed.
Tomorrow I have a telehealth appointment with the Endocrinologist. She had me get another T4 count and it was still in the normal range. So other than my TSH everything seems normal but of course I am taking thyroid medication already. We will see what she says.
Other than that everything has been the same for me. We stayed home and didn't have anyone over for Thanksgiving. I was disappointed to see the airports packed this past weekend. We are already in a massive spike of cases and the healthcare system in certain areas is already stressed. I am really afraid of how things are going to look 2-3 weeks from now. I have a friend and two family members who tested positive right before Thanksgiving. Luckily, all three have/had mild symptoms but my mom has a friend who was very sick. Her and her husband spent time in the hospital and she is recovering very slowly. It's not a good situation here. I know, I really know how frustrating it is to have to lock yourself away. Hold on folks; there is light at the end of the tunnel. Several vaccines look promising. The sacrifice now isn't just for you but our society as a whole. Hang in there!
That's all I've got really. On an unrelated topic...I saw our Road Runner, a Spotted Towhee, a Robin and a Mockingbird in our backyard in the last month. Robins are always a sign of spring in Michigan but I've never seen one in Texas although I know they pass through. I now have 12 birds on my list who've visited our backyard this year. :) A couple photos are below of a White Wing Dove & Titmouse and a Mockingbird.
Please stay safe and healthy.